21 Ballygowan Road, Belfast BT5 7LH
028 9079 8308

About Us
The Practice Area
Rights and Responsibilities
A patient has the right to:
Be treated courteously and with respect for your privacy, dignity and religious and cultural beliefs
Receive care and treatment on the basis of need
Be given clear information about any treatment or care proposed
Give or withhold your consent to medical or other care and treatment
See any reports made for insurance or employment purposes and information held about you on computer
A healthcheck on joining the practice for the first time
A patient has the responsibility to:
Treat the practice staff courteously and with respect
Keep appointments made or notify the practice as soon as possible if you are unable to attend
Whenever possible go to the surgery rather than ask for a home visit
Not expect a prescription at every visit; many illnesses are short term and do not require medication
Order your repeat prescription 48 hours before it is needed
The NHS has a zero tolerance policy of all violence and aggression. This policy is for the protection of all NHS staff, but also for the protection of other patients, their families, visitors, etc. In order to ensure that this zero tolerance approach is adhered to, it is essential to have robust policies and procedures in place. In General Practice, this will need to cover a variety of situations in which incidents could occur. Generally speaking the majority of patients behave in acceptable or manageable ways, however the incidence of excessively aggressive or violent attacks in GP practices are increasing.
The practice recognises that there can be contributory reasons for patients behaving in difficult or challenging ways, however, where this tips over into aggression or violence, the practice will adopt a zero tolerance approach.
We aim to provide high quality healthcare and we will treat all patients with respect and dignity. In return we expect all our staff to be treated with respect. We will not tolerate abusive language or threatening behaviour against any member of staff. Such behaviour may result in the offender being denied access to the doctor and/or further measures as appropriate.