21 Ballygowan Road, Belfast BT5 7LH
028 9079 8308

About Us
Your Personal Information
The Practice is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and follows the Data Protection Act 1998, General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and Access to Health Records Act.
These advise the Practice on our responsibilities relating to the data we hold and the rights of patients in relation to accessing the data.
Patients have the right to access their data and to do this patients complete a subject access request known as a (SAR).
Subject Access Requests
A request by a patient, or a request by a third party who has been authorised by the patient, for access under the GDPR (and DPA 2018) is called a Subject Access Request (SAR).
If you want to see your health records, or wish a copy, please complete a Practice Subject Access Request Form which you can complete online or please contact the Practice and we will provide you with our paper format. Contact will, subsequently, be made by the Practice to arrange a time for you to come in and collect or read them. You don’t have to give a reason for wanting to see your records and there is no charge for this service. You will however be required to produce proof of identity before being allowed to read them.
The Practice has up to 1 calendar to respond to your request. If additional information is needed before copies can be supplied, the time limit will begin as soon as the additional information has been received.
The time limit can be extended for two months for complex or numerous requests where the data controller (usually your Practice) needs more time to collate and supply the data. You will be informed about this within one calendar month and provided with an explanation of why the extension is necessary.
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information about the General Practitioners and the Practice required for disclosure under this Act can be made available to the Public. All requests for such information should be made to the Practice Manager.
Please download, print and complete the following form to receive your medical records.